12 Consecutive Months Of Exceeding 500,000-Steps A Month.

by Anura Guruge
on July 2, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE.

Kind of self-explanatory. Right?

I know. I know. This is just self-indulgence on my part. But, it is ultra-cheap, gets me outside in all weathers & is supposedly good for my health (though I am not convinced of that). Well, I kind of enjoy it too. That I now listen to 2-hours of ‘Amazon‘ ‘Audible‘ books as I leisurely amble (usually with a dog in tow) helps. I have, incredibly, listened to 50-books over the 9-months.

This 500,000-steps a month goal came about when I decided that I will no longer take a ‘day off’. In the olden days when I used to jog as opposed to walk (or more correctly, amble), I used to take a ‘day-off’ after 3-consecutive days of jogging. This was supposedly to give the muscles a day to rest & strengthen. Well, I carried this concept over when I started ambling rather than jogging. So, on my days off I didn’t bother with trying to achieve at least 10K steps. That was a MISTAKE.

I stopped taking days off on April 17, 2020.

The following month, May 2020, I realized that could do 500,000 steps in the month. That was COOL. Liked that. Good goal. Cool goal.

But, I was naive. I THOUGHT I would only be able to achieve the 500K goal in months that had 31-days. I thought I needed that extra day to get all the steps.

Little did I know. So, I missed the 500K mark, by just 2,445-steps (i.e., just over a mile) in June 2020. HOW STUPID. I should have just gone out on June 30, 2020 & walked those steps.

Well, I learnt.

I hope to keep this up as long as I can. I realize, with trepidation, that what will end this streak is an accident or illness. Yikes. That I managed to go through 440-days, unbroken, despite three (yes, 3) eye surgeries & 2-days of driving 13-hours a day, is humbling.

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