Still Difficult To Beat The U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ When It Comes To Classic Typos.

by Anura Guruge
on September 23, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE & enjoy. Here is the link to actual Sept. 19, 2021 post.

This was ‘Speaking with an Indian ACCIDENT‘ typo from a few days ago.

So, it says: “to defend their coworker, who was left with viruses & scratches …“.

Yes, you could even miss that on a quick read. Plus, the crux of the article was COVID — i.e., a virus. So, it is kind of easy to get lulled into submission.

Yes, OF COURSE, you could catch a virus or two (or even more) in a scuffle such as that.

But, usually we don’t speculate about catching viruses in a brawl UNLESS one of the participants was known to be infected with a virulent viral infection. In such cases the virus carrier could get charged, by the police, with a serious crime to hurt.

In this case, however, it was typo.

You got it right. I am not going to bruise your ego by spelling it out. SMILE.

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