Tag Archives: 1953

‘Remembrance Sunday 2021’ Marred By Sudden Absence Of MY Queen.

by Anura Guruge
on November 14, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

MY Queen from my post to mark the 2020 Remembrance Sunday.

Click image to access my post from last year.

Of course, her sad absence, is NOT an issue. We all understand. We know she planned to be there, she hoped to be there. Provided she was in the U.K. she has NOT missed a Remembrance Sunday other than the two times she was pregnant with her last two kids. She has been involved with this glorious & sacred British tradition for 69-years!

I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be 95. She is 27 years older than I, & folks call me old. We all, of course, wish her the best.

My only concern is whether she will be there next year. She will be 96. Does NOT matter if she can’t attend the ceremony. Provided that she is still around.

As is my wont let me please share some videos of our (i.e., London ‘Cenotaph’) Remembrance Sunday ceremony.

For those not familiar with our protocol let me explain why ‘Princess Anne‘ is NOT in one of the balconies. That is because she is at ground level, ready to lay a wreath. All of the senior members of the Royal Family lay wreaths, if they are not incapacitated. The Queen used to lay a wreath. Princess Anne walks in the second behind Prince Charles.

3:15 minute BBC video that captures the highlights.
A longer, 42 minute version, from ‘The Palace’ (so to speak).

The Queen laying a wreath, on Remembrance Day 1953. The year she was coronated (i.e., received the crown) — though she became Queen a year earlier.

From 1953. It was then called ‘Armistice Day‘.

in 1946, the year after the end of WW II, with her father, the then King.

Don’t forget that I have a dedicated ‘Red Poppy‘ page on my old blog.

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