Tag Archives: burned

Something Else You Will Only Learn From The U.K. “Daily Mail” — U.S. Fertility Doctor Accidentally Burns A Female’s Genitalia With Acid!

by Anura Guruge
on August 4, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Click here for the U.K. “Daily Mail” article from yesterday.

This is pretty hard to fathom. An ultrasound technician hands the doctor a vial with acid — Trichloroacetic acid. Yes, Trichloroacetic acid is used to treat genital warts — BUT what was an ultrasound technician doing with it. Acid plays no part with any ultrasound procedure. This is crazy.

The poor, poor lady. Her life is ruined. Yes, she will, of course, end up getting millions, but in this case, the money will be scant compensation.


Errors do happen, but something as bad as this. WOW.

I and the Daily Mail go back nearly 50 years! Can you blame me. How else will I keep up with huge news like this?