Tag Archives: Vernal

Interesting Names: ‘Vernal’ (As A Surname).

by Anura Guruge
on July 28, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. I took this picture this morning, at our beach.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. First results from a ‘Google’ search.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From my old blog from 13-months ago!

Well, the picture directly above tells much of the story.

I had seen this white GMC SUV, at our beach, last year. I LOVED that number plate. After I realized that it didn’t say ‘venal’, I was SO impressed that someone was clever enough to use that name — especially since the SUV (unbelievably) was a GMC ‘Equinox’. I KID YOU NOT. So, it was ‘Vernal Equinox‘ (i.e., the Spring (or March) Equinox). WOW.

Yes, Vernal is Latin for Spring.

Last year, though the SUV was parked by the beach there was no one at the beach.

NOT so today. There was a young lady — & she was the only one who was there at that early hour.

I approached her & asked her about the number plate.

She KNEW about the Vernal Equinox BUT disappointed me by immediately pointing out that the number plate does NOT allude to that. Instead, ‘Vernal’ is her step-dad’s name & it was his SUV! Oh!

But, it was still cool. Never heard of anyone with that name. So, that intrigued I.

I looked it up. There is no consensus as to the origins of that name. It could obviously have been for folks born at or around the Vernal equinox. Some, however, think it is the result of a corruption to a geographic name. But, as the middle graphic attests there are indeed Vernals around. Now you know.