‘Pope Francis’ Was Rushed To Hospital TODAY With Breathing Difficulty — BUT He Is Expected To Be A-OK.

by Anura Guruge
on March 29, 2023

From ‘Google News‘.

Just sharing this JUST in case YOU hadn’t heard. I happened to be listening to the BBC — that is how I got an early heads-up.

He is 86 & as is well known part of his right lung was removed when he was in his early 20s. He is known to be prone to chest ‘infections’.

Just a heads up.

He is expected to be A-OK — per the Vatican.

Now we all know that the Vatican, the heart of the Church, can be fully & utterly trusted. Right? Right? So, I will NOT question what they say.

So, I, for ONE, refuse to go into ‘Next Pope‘ mode as yet. I am putting my faith (for whatever it is worth) on what the Vatican is saying.

8 thoughts on “‘Pope Francis’ Was Rushed To Hospital TODAY With Breathing Difficulty — BUT He Is Expected To Be A-OK.

  1. mark61t

    Yeh, I agree. I mean, the Vatican spokespersons throughout history are of course notorious about downplaying (an understatement!) the pope’s medical condition–whatever the condition. But at this stage, it’s nothing to be too terribly troubled about.
    Of course, anytime an 86-year-old has to go to hospital is cause for concern…

    1. admin Post author

      You know me. I trust the Vatican. IF you can’t trust the Vatican, who can you trust? I am sure he is going to be fine & knowing his sense of humor he might WALK out of the hospital in a PUFFER COAT (just like in the image).
      Cheers, Anura

  2. David

    Am sure Pope Francis will recover!But the news reminded me of a old Roman saying ‘ Popes never get sick they just die’.One always hear more details of a Popes death than details about their state of health! The Pope has a right to his privacy, so what the Vatican tells about the Holy Father is what he has allowed to be made public.Cheers.

    1. admin Post author

      This appears to have been a false alarm. I THINK that Francis — obv. in TIGHT CAHOOTS with his good pal God — plan to live for another 20 years so that Tagle will finally be OLD ENOUGH (though never mature enough) to be the next pope. So, I am NOT even going to bother about thinking ‘Next Pope’. I will be dead before there is another conclave.

  3. Peter (prospero)

    Thank God Francis is indestructible. Yesterday he was
    baptising a newborn baby.


    He is said to be returning to the Vatican today to be present at the Holy Week services.

    Another thing is also worth mentioning: a few days ago, an Argentinean cable channel broadcast an interview with Francis in the course of which he said the following:
    “Celibacy was a consequence of historical developments, is not a dogma and can be changed at any time”.

    Without being cynical, many a representative of the Curia will have wished that Francis would follow his predecessor’s example as soon as possible.

    1. admin Post author

      Thank YOU. As ever YOU educate I. Thank you. I saw that he met with a grieving set of parents BUT I had not seen the baptising. He looks TOO WELL in that picture.
      I had heard, previously, that he has talked about celibacy. That would be FUN. About time.
      You know this pope was meant to be ‘Peter the Roman’. I have, of late, suspected that he might very well be. Peter the Roman. Peter II.
      I said it before … he is now the Eternal Pope … will be oldest known. I do NOT expect to see a conclave in my lifetime.
      Maybe by the time there is one Tagle would be married with kids. His wife & kids will join him on the balcony. Peter the Roman.
      All the best. Are you helping Salvador?
      Cheers, Anura

  4. Peter (prospero)

    Francis returned to the Vatican at half past eleven (CEST). To the waiting journalists he said: “That was a small attack of weakness, but I am still alive”.
    In other words, once again the conclave has to be postponed indefinitely !!!! 😉


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