Tag Archives: elephant

Only In Sri Lanka: A State Funeral For An Elephant.

by Anura Guruge
on March 14, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Prior posts about Temple Elephants on my old ‘nhlife’ blog.

Just a tad incongruous, but that is par for the course for Sri Lanka.

This elephant & I are the same age. So, I am fairly sure that I have met him & seen him. I was a fairly regular visitor to the ‘Temple of the Tooth‘ in Kandy when I lived in Ceylon, i.e., 1953 — 1967. I also visited in 1981 & watched the sacred ‘procession’ where he would have been the star.

I like elephants. I like Sri Lankan elephants.

As you can see from image 2 I am not fond of how some of these Temple Elephants get treated despite our supposed reverence for them.

Study the TOP LEFT thumbnail photo on image 1 (above). We have a young girl WORSHIPPING the dead elephant! Suffice to say stuff like that does NOT sit well with us. Everything in perspective.

These are trying times in Sri Lanka. So, a state funeral for an elephant would be a distraction. The government is savvy. They know the populace over whom they hold sway. If you can con them off with a state funeral for an elephant, why not?

‘Topsy’, The Indian Elephant, Electrocuted With 6,600 Volts, In 1903, In New York, While Being Filmed (With Thomas Edison Complicit).

by Anura Guruge
on July 13, 2021

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Click here to access ‘Wikipedia‘ entry.

This the book that told me about ‘Topsy’. Click image to access Amazon listing.

IF I had heard about this horrific execution of an elephant previously, it had not registered. I knew about the horses & dogs that had been electrocuted in the ‘AC/DC‘ wars to prove that AC will kill whereas DC was safe (though this was (& is) not the case). The electrocution of this ‘poor’ elephant (though it is SAID she killed three trainers) was news to I. I heard about it, with shock, this morning, while listening to “Tom McNichol’s” ‘AC/DC’ book (shown above). WOW.

The book also details in extremely gory details the dozens of innocent dogs that were horribly tortured & killed by the DC camp — Thomas Edison behind all of animal cruelty from the start! Yes, it all led to the development of the AC-powered ‘electric chair’. But, Edison’s DC scheme failed in the end. The AC won the day (though the book outlines how DC is making a comeback).

Watch the movies. Some of the FIRST to have been made — with a camera invented by Edison. That part is cool.