Tag Archives: German

I Do My Darndest NOT To Buy German, The One Exception Is ‘Braun’ — & The ‘Series 9 Pro’ Is Pretty Special.

by Anura Guruge
on June 4, 2023

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Click to access the Amazon product page.

Click to ENLARGE.

I HATE shaving, I really do. Always have. (Though I had a goatee in my early 20s) I refuse to have a beard. So, I suffer the agonies of shaving. For much of my adult life, until I was well into my 60s I used to shave everyday. Then, I gave up. I try to just shave every 3 days — unless I am going out. I still will not go anywhere important WITHOUT shaving. Old habits die hard.

I am CONTINUALLY looking for a new ‘silver bullet’. I have the latest ‘Gillette‘ & I try all sorts of lotions. Still never happy.

I had a Braun Series 7 for a few years & was relatively happy with it, though I didn’t use it all the time. I would switch between that & the latest Gillette. Given my stubble is like steel wool I was is need of a new head for it. Rather than getting a replacement head I opted to get the latest. Hence, the Series 9. So, I made a rare EXCEPTION to my aversion to buying German.

I used it for the first time this morning. I had 3 days worth of growth. It did quite well. Very quick. Quicker than the Series 7. I used it with this NEW electric pre-shave. It had some rave reviews. As I already said, I am always looking for that silver bullet.

Click image to access the Amazon product listing.

It was OK. I was initially pleased. Very pleased. As the day wore off there was SOME IRRITATION. Not bad, but not happy.

The Series 7 had an adjustment for SENSITIVE SKIN. The Series 9 doesn’t. I think that that might be a difference & issue. I will let you know.

#NotMyKing, ‘Charles (Of ‘Tampongate’)’, Driving A German ‘Audi’ — Yet Another Strike Against Him.

by Anura Guruge
on January 15, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From today’s U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (link).

Yes, this is one of my pet peeves. The Royal family (which the truth be known (& told) is really more GERMAN than British) favoring German bloody vehicles over OUR British heritage.

Yes, I understand & appreciate with deep sorrow that ALL of OUR iconic automotive brands, i.e., ‘Rolls Royce/Bentley’, ‘Jaguar‘, ‘Land Rover’, are now, alas & alak, foreign owned. But, these names & others, e.g., ‘Morris Garage’ (MG), ‘Triumph’, ‘Aston Martin’, are still very British & evoke pride & patriotism.

Self-centered, spoilt, arrogant, out-of-touch Charles of Tampongate has no business or right to be seen driving a damn German car. Disgrace, but then again he is nothing but a total, unmitigated disaster. #NotMyKind — for sure, for sure.

He used to ponce around in an ‘Aston Martin DB2‘. Now, that was class & that was before he became Charles of Tampongate.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google’.

I don’t get it. We are NOT (THANKFULLY) not a part of the EU anymore. There is no rationale or justification for his driving a German bloody car other than his stupidness. It is NOT right. It is a travesty. It is a disgrace. It just isn’t cricket.

The Queen, when in the U.K., was invariably in a ‘British’ vehicle — she particularly fond of Land- & Range-Rovers.

This was NOT right.

In 2018, after the ‘Harry & Meghan‘ wedding I wrote the The Palace to complain that the William & Harry had arrived in Windsor in the Mercedes van. I asked the Palace to make sure that this would not happen again. They did reply in a letter.

Click to ENLARGE.

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The Queen’s Final Trip To Windsor Was In A Fine ‘Jaguar’ Hearse, APPROVED By Her — To My Relief.

by Anura Guruge
on September 19, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From MyLondon‘ (click to access post).

Click to ENLARGE. The ‘Jaguar XJ’ based hearse — from ‘Google Images’ via the U.K. ‘The Independent‘.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia link.

Wow. Wow. Wow. I am SO RELIEVED. I was so worried that they would screw up again and use a bloody German hearse as they had done — inexcusably — in Scotland. I was glad to see in the Wikipedia entry above, for the ‘Royal Hearse’ that I was NOT the only one that had taken umbrage to this utter travesty.

It was good to see that a ‘Jaguar‘ XJ-based hearse was used (as was proper) — and, moreover, that the Queen had pre-approved of this hearse. Way to go. The right way that things should have been done. She liked Jags. I am glad.

OK, I will admit that I would have liked to have seen a sleeker design. Not sure why it has to be so bulky & have that awkward sloping design. No doubt someone must have put up some v. persuasive arguments. C’est la vie. At least it was a Jag. To I, & I am sure to many other Brits, that is what mattered most in the end. It was a Jag. Yes, I know & grieve OFTEN, that Jaguar is no longer a British company. To I that is so sacrilegious. That, however, alas, is a different matter. For now I am just glad & relieved that a British make hearse, rather than a bloody German one, was used for the Queen’s last trip. Enough said.

The DISGRACE of having the Queen’s body conveyed in a German hearse — albeit in Scotland.

Click to ENLARGE. Image from the “New York Post“.

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It Is A DISGRACE That The Queen’s Coffin Was Transported From ‘Balmoral’ In A German Hearse.

by Anura Guruge
on September 11, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Image from the “New York Post“.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google’.

That was NOT right. It was a travesty. It was a disgrace. It just wasn’t cricket.

We have British hearses — even Rolls-Royce hearses. Yes, I know that Rolls-Royce is now German owned, BUT the name, heritage & association will always be indelibly British.

Note that one of the Queen’s Rolls-Royces is following the hearse. So, wouldn’t it have been nice to have a British, i.e., Rolls-Royce, hearse.

The Queen, when in the U.K., was invariably in a ‘British’ vehicle — she particularly fond of Land- & Range-Rovers.

This was NOT right.

In 2018, after the ‘Harry & Meghan‘ wedding I wrote the The Palace to complain that the William & Harry had arrived in Windsor in the Mercedes van. I asked the Palace to make sure that this would not happen again. They did reply in a letter.

Click to ENLARGE.

Well, I am disappointed & annoyed. We are supposed to excel in the DETAIL when it comes to pomp & ceremony. This was a POOR SHOW.

No doubt, some of the blame must be placed with the SHAMELESS undertaker ‘William Purves’. See below. No class.

Click to ENLARGE. For full story from the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

Yes, I appreciate that a FEW of you may want to point out that the Queen is of German ancestry! That is true. But, that was few generations ago.

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You Didn’t Have To Be TOLD, You Knew At Once That It Could ONLY BE A ‘Mercedes’ Driver Who Would Stoop So Low!

by Anura Guruge
on July 12, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (click to access full coverage).

YouTube video.

Can you ever see a Jaguar owner (such as I) ever stooping that low? Jag owners by definition have panache & class. SMILE.

I refuse to have any truck with German cars — & have so since c. 1981. That was when I visited ‘Liverpool’ (as in the ‘Beatles’) & saw the bomb damage that had been imparted on that city by the ‘Germans’ during WWII — over 36 years ago. Unlike London, Liverpool had not got around to building over all the bombed out sites. I was SHOCKED. I vowed never to buy a German car as of then. I have been true to that promise. I have owned British cars, American cars, Japanese Cars, Swedish cars, French cars, S. Korean cars — but never German. When I rent cars I specify that I would rather not have a German — which sometimes gets hard because I tend to only rent Luxury. {SMILE}

My adoptive father would buy Mercedes Benzes & I would complain. But, he didn’t care. Unlike I, he was NOT British. Actually, as I came to realize (to my horror) when he wrote a semi-autobiographical novel, he (having grown up in Ceylon prior to independence in 1948) didn’t like the British! I was shocked. But, he sent me off to boarding school there! That was very much him. Yes, I also have cousins who are very proud that they own German cars. But, I feed bad for them. They are also NOT British. {SMILE} Do you get this notion that I am very proud to be British. Damn right. {Smile}

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