Tag Archives: WWII

‘Navajos’ Weren’t The ONLY WW II ‘Code Talkers’ — There Were Other Tribes Too.

by Anura Guruge
on September 15, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Picture is mine. I took it during my last visit.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Amazon‘.

I am fairly sure that I have ONLY knew of the ‘Navajo’ ‘Code Talkers‘. I have read ‘the book’ (leftmost in above picture) & I have been to the ‘Code Talker’ Memorial at ‘Window Rock‘, New Mexico. I am sure THE book, THE movie or something else MUST have talked about others but it had never registered with I till this weekend.

On Sunday, at ‘Split Rock‘, at ‘Passamaquoddy Days‘, an elder, a Harvard-trained nurse told me that there have been Passamaquoddy Code Talkers during WWII. That blew me away. I started investigating as soon as I got back, i.e., yesterday.

The Wikipedia ‘Code Talker’ entry was quite insightful. They talk about multiple languages, in addition to Navajo. Interesting.

Passamaquoddy, however, is NOT mentioned.

I have learnt that Passamaquoddy served, with distinction, in WWI & WWII.

I have also seen, fleetingly, that Passamaquoddy may have served ALONGSIDE Navajo. Not sure whether they spoke Navajo. But, the Code Talkers needed helpers to carry the equipment & run messages. So Passamaquoddy could have done that.

But, I will now keep on checking — if & when I have the time. SMILE.

Tearing Apart The Chinese Spy Balloon With A $400K ‘Sidewinder’ Missile Was So American Machismo Gung Ho — Better To Have Riddled It With A Machine Gun.

by Anura Guruge
on February 6, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

Using a $400K missile was an unnecessary & COSTLY show of FORCE by Biden & the U.S. Yes, wanting to show their STRENGTH. But, that strength really was never in question.

We have been bringing enemy balloon downs since BEFORE WW I — & that was well over a century ago.

A missile is EXPENSIVE & just makes a BIG mess.

The fabric of the balloon, can be punctured with bullets. Aircraft machine gun. They should have sent out some OLD WWII era fighters & riddled the envelope with bullet holes when this damn balloon was still a few miles inland from the coast.

Then it would have slowly & gently DEFLATED. It is Helium gas. It would not have burned or exploded. The balloon would have slowly drifted to sea — not that far out.

Using a missile was just COSTLY & unnecessary.

You Didn’t Have To Be TOLD, You Knew At Once That It Could ONLY BE A ‘Mercedes’ Driver Who Would Stoop So Low!

by Anura Guruge
on July 12, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (click to access full coverage).

YouTube video.

Can you ever see a Jaguar owner (such as I) ever stooping that low? Jag owners by definition have panache & class. SMILE.

I refuse to have any truck with German cars — & have so since c. 1981. That was when I visited ‘Liverpool’ (as in the ‘Beatles’) & saw the bomb damage that had been imparted on that city by the ‘Germans’ during WWII — over 36 years ago. Unlike London, Liverpool had not got around to building over all the bombed out sites. I was SHOCKED. I vowed never to buy a German car as of then. I have been true to that promise. I have owned British cars, American cars, Japanese Cars, Swedish cars, French cars, S. Korean cars — but never German. When I rent cars I specify that I would rather not have a German — which sometimes gets hard because I tend to only rent Luxury. {SMILE}

My adoptive father would buy Mercedes Benzes & I would complain. But, he didn’t care. Unlike I, he was NOT British. Actually, as I came to realize (to my horror) when he wrote a semi-autobiographical novel, he (having grown up in Ceylon prior to independence in 1948) didn’t like the British! I was shocked. But, he sent me off to boarding school there! That was very much him. Yes, I also have cousins who are very proud that they own German cars. But, I feed bad for them. They are also NOT British. {SMILE} Do you get this notion that I am very proud to be British. Damn right. {Smile}

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Pope Francis’ Personal Call On Russian Embassy — I Am Impressed & Gratified. Way To Go Francis.

by Anura Guruge
on February 25, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

A few hours earlier, during my walk in the snow, I was wondering what Pope Francis would — or could — do. Then I saw this news. I was IMPRESSED. I was delighted. I was gratified. Way to go, Pope Francis. I knew you still had some good & spunk left in you. THANK YOU.

NO. He did NOT go to the Russian Embassy to Italy. That would have been monumental. Plus, he couldn’t have done that without violating multiple diplomatic protocols.

Instead he visited the Russian Embassy to the Holy See. Big difference. That is the Russian Embassy for the Vatican & located very nearby. But, it was a HUGE symbolic gesture. It took guts to do it. I am IMPRESSED. I am delighted. I am gratified. Way to go, Pope Francis.

Russia is NOT a Catholic nation! Putin is, at BEST, nominally Russian Orthodox. The pope really has not much sway over him.

This is NOT like WWII when much of Germany was Catholic.

But, Francis TRIED. He made a gesture. Good on YA pope.