Tag Archives: per capita

That My New Hampshire Is The ‘Beer Capital’ Of The U.S. Is Sheer Bunkum — Data Distortion.

by Anura Guruge
on April 27, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Click for original coverage from the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

This is totally & utterly wrong. Yes, the data collected is no doubt correct BUT that is data is distorted.

Yes, it is per capita, but per capita can lie!

1st & fundamental problem: NH has a relatively small population (though I am staggered to realize that we have a smidge more than the much, much, much LARGER Maine). This small base number doesn’t have much leeway to accommodate external factors that are NOT taken into account.

NH gets a TON of beer guzzling visitors YEAR ROUND — in the winter for winter sports & in the Summer for the beaches & lakes. These out of states, beer guzzling visitors, don’t get factored into the per capita calculation.

NH also has an AGING population compared to other states. So, we have more adults than minors. Many adults drink beer. Not so many minors. This means that compared to other States we have a higher percentage of folks who can buy beer. That makes a difference.

2nd BIG Factor: By design alcohol is cheap in TAX-FREE NH. Alcohol sales is a major source of State revenue. We ENCOURAGE folks from the neighboring states to buy alcohol from us. That severely distorts the numbers.

So, that is the REAL STORY.

It is NOT per capita.

The U.K. ‘Daily Mail‘, though my favorite newspaper by far (& has been so for 40 years) never digs into the nitty gritty of stories like this. Hence why I felt obliged to clarify.

Got that? Thanks.

Senator Ted Cruz’s Claim That The U.S. Is The SAFEST Country On Earth Is Beyond Bogus.

by Anura Guruge
on May 26, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Here is the link to the original on ‘Sky News’.

Click to ENLARGE. Transcript of what he said. This is at the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (link).

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘U.S. News’ (link).

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google’.

I am NOT even bother trying to say anything about this idiot. That would be a waste of my time & energy.

I am sure that even most 10 year olds in the U.S. know by now that the U.S. cannot be the safest country on earth.

Well, I trust most of you know that too — intuitively. Shouldn’t be hard to work it out. Country with the most guns per capita on earth is unlikely to the safest.

Well, enough said.

When I saw the quote, I was beyond speechless. What a country? But, definitely NOT the safest.