Tag Archives: plaque

I AGAIN Stopped Using Mouthwash — I THINK It Is Messing With My A1c (i.e., Diabetes) Readings.

by Anura Guruge
on September 25, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Results from a Google search.

My post from May 2022. Click image to access that post.

I am NOT diabetic AS YET — but I am in the prediabetes range.

I get my A1c checked — yearly. I am determined to push back, as long as I can, on getting diabetes. It is in MY GENES. I most likely will NOT be able to dodge it. My only goal is to delay it as long as possible.

I do NOT have CONCLUSIVE PROOF that mouthwash increases my A1c — but I can’t take the RISK any longer.

I, given my obsession with oral health, don’t have bad breath — unless I have just been eating garlics or onions. But, I LIKE using mouthwash. I like the taste & sensation.

I had used mouthwash, twice a day for decades.

A few years ago my A1c had slowly started to creep up.

I saw a report, online, that linked mouthwash with diabetes.

I gave up mouthwash. My A1c went down! But, during that year I also made some other lifestyle changes.

A year ago I went BACK to using mouthwash — (at least) TWICE a day.

My A1c has GONE UP!

Yes, there are OTHER FACTORS TOO. I am fully aware of that. But, as with other changes, I ditched the mouthwash.

Just sharing this with YOU in case it HELPS YOU.

Did YOU Know That Using Mouthwash Might Increase Your Risk Of Getting ‘Type 2’ Diabetes?

by Anura Guruge
on May 31, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Results from a Google search.

I first read about this increased risk of diabetes in “The Reader’s Digest” in 2018. It scared me enough that I stopped using mouthwash! Prior to that I had been an ardent, daily user — heartily gargling away for at least 7 or 8 minutes a day. I had my annual blood work done about 3 months later. My A1C which had remained flat for 4 years had gone down! I was never diabetic, BUT seeing my A1C dip was quite the thing.

I had NOT used mouthwash for the last 4 years. But then, recently, I was FORCED to go back to using mouthwash. I have given up on getting my teeth SCRAPED (i.e., cleaned) by a dental hygienist on a regular basis. NO. NO. It isn’t to do with costs. I just don’t like having my hard earned enamel scrapped by a pseudo-professional for cosmetic reasons. I did get my teeth X-rayed & checked my a dentist recently. Though I had not had my teeth cleaned or gone to a dentist in 3-years, my teeth were FINE! {SMILE} I have teeth like a horse.

But, I do worry about plaque build up & I don’t want to damage my gums by brushing my teeth too vigorously — something I am prone to do. So much so that I now buy ‘Extra Soft’ toothbrushes just to make sure that I do not damage my gums too much. (According to my dentist, much to my surprise & relief, my gums are FINE. Wow.)

So, I have to use mouthwash. I started by using it twice a day — at least 4 minutes at a time.

But, I got scared.

I scaled it back to once a day. At night.

So, just a heads up. Check it out.

P.S., Not sure about your dentist, but mine had NO CLUE as to this supposed link between mouthwash & diabetes. Scary.