Tag Archives: presentation

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) Presentation To ‘Laconia Rotary’ As A 2.5-Min. YouTube Video.

by Anura Guruge
on February 10, 2023

Click image to access short, 2.5-minute YouTube video or use YouTube embed below.

Click to ENLARGE. [I have been accused, often, of being too laid-back during presentations. But, when you have done as many as I have, it is but second nature. Just muscle memory.]

Click image to access the ‘Laconia Rotary’ Facebook post.

This was a short, 20-minute presentation (which went on for a bit longer). This video is not of the live presentation. It was ‘taped’ (& you should be glad of that).

Instead, this is my PowerPoint presentation made into a YouTube video set to music. It is just under 2.5 minutes. So, not too painful to watch.

This is NOT one of my full-blown, 1-hour (+) comet presentations. It was meant to be short, quick & with an emphasis on C/2022 E3 (ZTF). So, please don’t take this as one of my usual, in-depth comet presentations. I will, now that I have done this, make one of those too. OK?

Click image for Amazon listing for book.
Click image for Amazon listing for book.