Tag Archives: Sacrilegious

The Buddha Wearing A Santa Hat — Such A Riot That You Could Just About Excuse It Being Sacrilegious.

by Anura Guruge
on December 19, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. I took this picture this afternoon in Rochester, N.H.

What can I say?

It is beyond inappropriate. It is sacrilegious.

I saw this at a Chinese restaurant (which will go nameless the protect the guilty) in Rochester, New Hampshire, when I stopped by to order some takeout.

Chinese restaurants tend to be the worst when it comes to desecrating images of the Buddha — mainly because so many feel obligated to have images of the Buddha to somehow justify their Chinese authenticity.

The staff, at this restaurant, is 99.9% American — & local to boot. They have no appreciation as to what the image is about or who the Buddha was. They were tasked with decorating the place for Christmas & they, obviously, thought that this was cute. Alas.

Just for the record the Buddha predates Christianity by about 2,500 years!

So, he could not have been Santa. SMILE.

What can I say?

I just wish Buddhists, & I have not been a Buddhist for 50-years, would try to rectify some of this inappropriateness.