The Two Sides To Pope Francis’ Statement That ‘Nothing Wrong With A Pope Stepping Down’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 30, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From pages 16 – 17 of my ‘Electing Next Pope‘ book.

Pope Francis (possibly to the surprise of some) is dead right in that a pope can resign BUT the thorny issue has to do with the part that he added claiming: ‘there was nothing wrong‘. That claim is contentious.

Papal resignations, thanks to St. Celestine V (#196, 1294), have been legally permissible since 1294. Celestine, way shrewder than most realize, got this legalized before he opted to resign. But, that was in 1294. [In 1917, papal resignations were CODIFIED within Canon Law. So, there is no doubt or debate that a pope can officially resign/retire/abdicate. Perfectly kosher.]

However, since 1294, only two popes have resigned!

726-years & 71 popes since 1294 & only 2 have resigned/retired.

ONLY 2 out of 71. 2.8%.

That must say SOMETHING.

If it was SO ‘OK’ for popes to resign don’t you think we might have had a few more.

Yes, of course, being Pope is the ultimate job in the world. Prior to Francis saying ‘NO SO’ the pope was the Vicar of Christ (on earth). It doesn’t get better than that. A Pope has total autocratic powers & within the sovereign ‘Vatican City State’ he cannot be held accountable for any of his actions BY ANYONE on earth. So, it is not a job that one would relinquish lightly.

In recent years we have seen at least two popes that hung on to the end despite serious, lingering health issues: Pius XII & John Paul II. The latter is said to have stated or implied that ‘you cannot climb down from the Cross‘.

While resignations are legal they do cause issues — unsettling the flock key among them. Then there is the possibility (some times even real danger) that there could be a schism. It also ‘weakens’ the OFFICE of the papacy — makes it feel more mortal! No longer an office held for life. An office that the holder can renounce & walk away.

So, while Francis is right that a pope can resign, he probably is wrong in saying that there is nothing wrong with it.

2 thoughts on “The Two Sides To Pope Francis’ Statement That ‘Nothing Wrong With A Pope Stepping Down’.

  1. mark61t

    Perhaps the Church needs a papal resignation every 600 years or so to remind everyone why it is NOT a very good idea for a pope to resign. 🙂
    Oh I get it with Pope Benedict, longing for a life of study and writing and rest after all the scandals that either broke during his pontificate or continued during it. But, to misquote Jeff Goldblum’s character in Jurassic Park, “he was so interested in seeing whether he could resign, he never gave consideration as to whether he should!” Of course that is a gross oversimplification. I am sure Benedict considered both sides of that particular coin very well before pulling the trigger.

    Francis I believe, on the other hand, dangles the prospect of resignation because 1) it keeps him in the headlines, and 2) it sows the seeds of chaos…perhaps to remind his close associates (i.e., flunkies) that they need to press on with their agenda while there is still time.
    But he has no serious intention of resigning himself.

    1. admin Post author

      V. sorry for the delay. It has been BEYOND hectic (even by my standards).
      So Mark, I knew you are history, papal & Fleetwood Mac buff. Are you also a Jurassic Park or movie buff too? You amaze me, OFTEN. That is good.
      Well, we have BOTH agreed before that Francis is unlikely to resign anytime soon — esp. while ex-B16 is still around.
      Francis is an enigma. Yes, he loves being pope BUT I think he hates being disabled because of his huge, Trump-like ego & vanity. Why he doesn’t opt for surgery is a puzzle. Yes, I heard he didn’t do too well during his last surgery BUT he is POPE & ‘he’ is watching over him. I speak of one who did get knee surgery (not by choice). BEST thing that happened to me in the last decade. Changed my life.
      Yes. More this month. SMILE.
      I am off to Maine again. ANOTHER book. 37th.
      We have a FM tribute band playing here Aug. 6. You should come up. I am going. I volunteer for them.
      Thanks. Cheers, Anura


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