Tag Archives: King

‘Christmas Revels 2023’ (Cambridge, MA), ‘The Feast Of Fools’, Dec. 28. Brilliant Acting, Performance, & Stagecraft.

by Anura Guruge
on December 29, 2023

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I have always maintained that ALL ‘Revels‘, by definition, are GOOD (& yesterday’s Revels in Cambridge was probably the 25th I have attended between Cambridge & ‘Revels North‘ (and this was my 2nd Revels of the year)).

So, it was GOOD. Of that there can never be any doubt or debate.

So, when I ‘review’ a Revel, all I am still always in the SPECTRUM of the GOOD. So, yes, we have GOOD, better, best, memorable, exceptional, outstanding, gob-smacking etc.

Yesterday’s show, the last of 2023, in my reckoning was middle-of-the GOOD spectrum. Better than just plain good, but not as good as some of the past ones at Cambridge (and the ‘Venetian’ & ‘Arcadian’ readily spring to mind).

The Feast of Fools” was very powerful & compelling on the acting/performance & stagecraft/prop departments. Tour de force. But, in my opinion, it was a tad light on the MUSICAL front. Yes, of course, there was plenty of music, song & dance — but there was NOTHING totally captivating.

Yes, there was a delectable ‘Peasant Dance‘, with gypsy music, but it was all instrument.

The incomparable M.C. & maestro ‘David Coffin‘ did NOT appear to play as bigger role as he normally does. That might be the crux of it.

Though it contained all the mandatory Revels ‘elements’ we did NOT have a SWORD DANCE this year. Instead we had a STICK dance. Not the same. I love the Cambridge sword dances.

The King had enormous presence & bearing. Quite the guy. But …

C’est la vie. It was still GOOD. Better than good, just not way up there. SMILE.

Still made my day. My year is now complete.

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