Tag Archives: sporting

‘Boxing Day’: Just Plain Crazy That The Americans Haven’t Caught On, Given That They Love ‘Black Friday’.

by Anura Guruge
on December 26, 2022

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Today, the DAY AFTER Christmas, December 26th, is ‘Boxing Day‘. A major British holiday celebrated with gusto across the GREAT ‘British Commonwealth‘.

‘Canada’, a part of the Commonwealth, as such, still celebrates it.

Found it on ‘Facebook’ — via ‘Amherst Police’, NY.

I love, & always make a point of enjoying, BOXING DAY.

Happy Boxing Day to you. Enjoy. It is a wonderful day.

Amazingly, we don’t know for sure, as to the origins of this holiday or its name! So, I won’t bother going into that.

In Britain & some of the other Commonwealth countries it has become a HUGE discount shopping day — markdowns after Christmas.

So, it is like ‘Black Friday‘.

In Britain & the Commonwealth it is also a MAJOR SPORTING DAY. We have the ‘Boxing Day Test Match‘ (i.e., a 5-day cricket match between COUNTRIES) played in Australia. Given the time difference I managed to watch the start of it yesterday, i.e., Christmas.

Great Holiday. Makes Christmas into a 2-day feast.

Amazing that the Yanks haven’t cottoned onto this as yet. They will, they will.