Tag Archives: Black Friday

“Sawyer’s Holiday Open House”, Barnstead, New Hampshire, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on November 24, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click image to ENLARGE.

Going to this always delightful, ‘Holiday Open House‘, just 1.8 miles from our place, is now an entrenched & beloved, ANNUAL Thanksgiving Tradition for us. It is hosted by a real lovely family that we have come to know over the years. This was probably the 10th or 11th year that we have gone to this Open House. Check here for the pictures from 2022. We obviously didn’t go in 2021 because of COVID.

Last year, because of other commitments we couldn’t get there till the Sunday. It was nearly empty by then. This year the ‘girls’ were determined to get there as early as possible — taking into account that one of them doesn’t move that quickly early in the morning. They set 9:30 as departure time & we made it. Even then, getting there within 40 minutes of them opening, it was BUSY. But, they had fun. They, as always, bought stuff.

I just go to take pictures — & then walk back. Nice walk & today was a gorgeous, not-too-cold day.

‘Boxing Day’: Just Plain Crazy That The Americans Haven’t Caught On, Given That They Love ‘Black Friday’.

by Anura Guruge
on December 26, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Today, the DAY AFTER Christmas, December 26th, is ‘Boxing Day‘. A major British holiday celebrated with gusto across the GREAT ‘British Commonwealth‘.

‘Canada’, a part of the Commonwealth, as such, still celebrates it.

Found it on ‘Facebook’ — via ‘Amherst Police’, NY.

I love, & always make a point of enjoying, BOXING DAY.

Happy Boxing Day to you. Enjoy. It is a wonderful day.

Amazingly, we don’t know for sure, as to the origins of this holiday or its name! So, I won’t bother going into that.

In Britain & some of the other Commonwealth countries it has become a HUGE discount shopping day — markdowns after Christmas.

So, it is like ‘Black Friday‘.

In Britain & the Commonwealth it is also a MAJOR SPORTING DAY. We have the ‘Boxing Day Test Match‘ (i.e., a 5-day cricket match between COUNTRIES) played in Australia. Given the time difference I managed to watch the start of it yesterday, i.e., Christmas.

Great Holiday. Makes Christmas into a 2-day feast.

Amazing that the Yanks haven’t cottoned onto this as yet. They will, they will.

“Sawyer’s Holiday Open House”, Barnstead, New Hampshire, 2022.

by Anura Guruge
on November 27, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click image to ENLARGE.

Going to this always delightful, ‘Holiday Open House’, hosted by a real lovely family, has been a firm ‘Thanksgiving’ tradition with us for the last nine or ten years. Once we discovered it, we have been going, faithfully & with glee, every year bar the absence forced by COVID-19. They, however, have been holding this multi-vendor Open House for longer. This, bar COVID, was probably their 18th, if not 19th. IF it was the 20th I am sure we would have seen some signage. I bet, the BIG 20 is next year.

Not far from our house, about 1.8-miles (I think). I walked back & gotting in all my steps for the day in the process.

We typically go around lunchtime ‘Black Friday’. We couldn’t this year. We had other commitments both Friday & Saturday. This morning, i.e., Sunday, was the only time we could make it. As we had feared most of the stuff had already been sold. That was what we had expected. On the other hand, it wasn’t mobbed either. I heard that it was packed all day yesterday. So, there was that. We could take our time slowly wending through the rooms (all with exquisite pastoral views).

It was, as always, good & rewarding. We bought a few things. SMILE. Now looking forward to next year.

Stock Markets Closing Early On ‘Black Friday’ Is A Ill-Conceived, Meaningless Gesture Which Is Neither ‘Here-Nor-There’.

by Anura Guruge
on November 26, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From ‘Google News‘.

Yes, of course, I understand the gesture, the goal. It is to give the folks on ‘Wall Street’ a long-weekend to coincide with Thanksgiving. I get that.

But, making them come in for 1/2 a day, when Thursday was a full holiday makes it silly.

So, they get Thursday off, but have to come in on Friday till 1pm (or 2pm).

Yes, I assume that those that can, just take the Friday off. That then does give them a full 4-day break.

I like to trade daily. I missed out today because I had stuff to do this morning. But, I don’t have a problem if the markets are closed, ALL DAY, on Black Friday. We can survive. In a way, it is good. A break from trading. A time to take stock, quite literally, reflect & think of where you want to go next.

This 1pm close bugs me every Black Friday. Things that don’t make sense rankle I.

That is all. I just wanted to go on record. SMILE. I am now done (till next year).