Tag Archives: wildfires

Though New Hampshire Borders Canada, We, So Far, Have Been Unaffected By The Wildfire Smoke.

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘The New York Times‘. Click for original.

So it has been kind of strange watching all of the frenzied news coverage of the air pollution being caused by the Canadian wildfires.

We, in New Hampshire, border Canada. But, we haven’t seen any smoke. I know that for sure because of all of my ambling. I would see & feel the smoke, & I had not. Then I remembered that I had even taken these two pictures this morning. NO HAZE.

I fully appreciate that we have lucked out, so far. All to do with wind currents.

The wind currents has kept the smoke to the west of us. But, that can & most likely WILL change. I will keep you posted. But, for now, I am glad to be smoke free.