Tag Archives: Canadian

“Marc Ouellet’s” Conviction By A French Court Obliterates (Alas) His Papabile Prospects.

by Anura Guruge
on April 14, 204

Click to ENLARGE. News stories from ‘Google News‘.

The legality and ‘properness’ of this French verdict means didly.

This is getting publicity and it hurts his image, reputation & credibility.

Two key factors also at play here. TOO CLOSE to the conclave & just as he is turning 80.

It is conceivable that he might have been able to overcome this setback IF it had happened 4 years ago.

France is a MAJOR Catholic country and we cannot have a new pope who has been FINED by a French court.

This is ALSO a major blow to I — though I appreciate that none of you care about that.

Ouellet was one of my TOP papabili picks (just like he had been in 2011).

Now I had to go and redo the WHOLE list.

But, it is good for another of my favorites, U.S. Cardinal Wilton Gregory. He is now at #3! Wow. O’Malley is another favorite.

I do feel bad for Ouellet. He always seemed to be so much in control. Getting involved in this seems like a mistake. I can’t say I understand all the nuances, but it would appear that he was outside of his jurisdiction.

‘BlackBerry’ (2023) Canadian Movie On ‘Prime’ — A Riveting Drama About Power/Greed, Rather Than A Product/Tech Movie.

by Anura Guruge
on July 7, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to access ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

Click to ENLARGE. ‘Prime’ listing.

Amazingly good. It truly was ‘RIVETING’. Thousand times better than I expected.

I never had a ‘BlackBerry‘. But this is NOT a ‘Product‘ or ‘Tech‘ movie. It is high-power, high-caliber, RAW DRAMA. Powerful, greedy, clever people in action — & even how they change & evolve over time.

Very fast paced. Well produced. I definitely recommend it. Check out the YouTube trailer. It gives you a genuine glimpse of the joys that await you.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Though New Hampshire Borders Canada, We, So Far, Have Been Unaffected By The Wildfire Smoke.

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘The New York Times‘. Click for original.

So it has been kind of strange watching all of the frenzied news coverage of the air pollution being caused by the Canadian wildfires.

We, in New Hampshire, border Canada. But, we haven’t seen any smoke. I know that for sure because of all of my ambling. I would see & feel the smoke, & I had not. Then I remembered that I had even taken these two pictures this morning. NO HAZE.

I fully appreciate that we have lucked out, so far. All to do with wind currents.

The wind currents has kept the smoke to the west of us. But, that can & most likely WILL change. I will keep you posted. But, for now, I am glad to be smoke free.