Tag Archives: Cardinal Burke

I Agree With ‘Cardinal Parolin’ That “Pope Francis'” Reforms, Whether Good Or Bad, Will Prevail.

by Anura Guruge
on May 9, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. News stories from ‘Google News‘.

Basically, what Cardinal Parolin & I are both saying is that it is unlikely that the Next Pope, even if he is NOT a ‘Francis II‘ (e.g., American Burke), will overturn ALL the reforms enacted by Francis. The best that might happen is that he might AGAIN (a la Benedict XVI) relax the barriers to celebrating the Latin Mass. I am sure the other reforms will remain on the books due to the respect that new popes pay to their predecessors. This has to do with the decorum exercised by modern popes. Quickly overturning prior reforms look undignified. And that is the rub.

IF the Next Pope is a traditionalist he is unlikely to have too much time. A non-Francis II will only get enough votes if he is seen as a compromise, caretaker pope — not likely to hang around for much more than 7 to 8 years. While that may sound like a lot, that probably isn’t enough leeway to OVERTURN Francis’ reforms without making Francis look real bad.

IF a Francis II is elected, the whole issue is moot. I have a feeling that Francis will hold another cardinal creating consistory in August or September this year & create 20 to 22 cardinal electors. IF he does that (& Parolin might already know of the pope’s plans) it is GAME OVER. The Next Pope will be Francis II — possibly even Tagle!

So, that is the lay of the land. If the next pope is NOT a Francis II we might see some slack cut on Latin Mass. But, that will be about it. But, as ever, I could be wrong.

IF ‘Pope Francis’ Is Well Enough To Travel To Asia, He Should Convene A Consistory BEFORE He Leaves.

by Anura Guruge
on April 23, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Base news stories from ‘Google News‘.

Click to ENLARGE. From MY magic Excel spreadsheet.

For the last few months I have been advocating that Francis really should hold another cardinal creating consistory to CEMENT HIS legacy as the pope who modernized the Catholic Church and brought it, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century (albeit with no concessions to transgender folks).

Per the current cardinal elector demographics the NEXT POPE will end up as centrist — somebody in the middle.

Neither camp, i.e., the reformists (i.e., Francis‘ acolytes) nor the traditionalists (i.e., those led by U.S. Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke) have sufficient votes to gain the 67% supre-majority needed to get a new pope. The Francis camp is short by AT LEAST 10. That, on paper, he created the 73% of the current slate of electors means diddly. They are NOT all going to vote for ‘Franic II’.

Francis needs to create AT LEAST 22 young, radical REFORMISTS. This is his LAST CHANCE to make a difference. Make sure the Church is RE-FORMED.

Francis has held an August consistory. He should do it AGAIN. Create 22 (or more) electors. Then he could rest knowing he has done his job.

‘Pope Francis’, The New ‘Warrior Pope’, Appears To Again Put The U.S. Catholics To The Sword.

by Anura Guruge
on November 28, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Headlines from ‘Google News‘.

To be fair, this has NOT BEEN confirmed as yet. Based on notoriously flakey Vatican rumors.

But, it does sound very plausible. And ‘Burke‘ deserves it!

This is, however, NOT Popish behavior. There is nothing subtle or clever about it. I can’t see any of the last 4 popes acting like this. They would have been much, much, much more discreet and low-key. Francis, however, is the Bull in the China Shop. So, Trumpian.

The U.S. Catholics, as I repeatedly point out, are NOT going to be HAPPY. They are going to spend MILLIONS and MILLIONS to BUY the next pope. Mark my word on that. SMILE.

Hail Pope Francis the NEW ‘Warrior Pope’.

U.S. Cardinal Burke’s Questioning Of Pope Francis’ Authority To Restrict The Use Of The Latin Mass Is Pretty Silly!

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘National Catholic Register‘.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_infallibility.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_supremacy.

This is my take on it, but I did discuss at length with a couple of others who also happen to know there way around the Catholic Church, its ‘laws’, traditions & practices.

We don’t need to get too technical or pedantic here.

A pope, Francis (or otherwise), has absolute, unilateral, AUTOCRATIC POWER over the Catholic Church in all matters. Period.

It is well understood & acknowledged that a pope cannot be judged, corrected, censored,or disciplined on Earth. Only God has (any) sway over a pope. Period.

A pope cannot be impeached or removed from office.

There are NO councils, courts, parliaments or whatever to hold a pope accountable.

When it comes to matters of the Catholic Church, the pope is SUPREME & can do whatever, whenever. Period.

A pope does not have to have any of his decisions validated, voted upon, endorsed or whatever from anyone else. ‘Pope has spoken, the matter is settled‘. Period.

And all of this BEFORE we even broach upon the thorny issue of Papal Infallibility (above).

So, all I can say is that Burke must be smoking too much incense! His claim holds no water.

In the case of the Latin Mass the pope is NOT even trying to change doctrine. But, let’s say that he was. He can do that — worst case doing it (so called) ex-Cathedra (i.e., from his throne) so that he is infallible! It is good to be the pope. Period.

The pope can change liturgy. Trival. The pope can even do so on-the-fly. John XXIII did this when he removed the offensive phrase ‘Perfidious Jews‘ from the Mass. On-the-fly. John XXIII wanted it removed. Done & dusted. Period.

Burke might be trying to say that some MAY not buy that the pope has the authority.

Well, the pope, unilaterally, just by saying the words, can excommunicate Burke. Snap of his fingers. Poof. Burke becomes a berk. (Smile).

The pope can excommunicate a whole bunch of people.

But, he can’t prevent a schism. That he can’t. Other than that, he can do whatever.

So, maybe what Burke is trying to say, clumsily (as befits another old man), is that those that question the pope authority will have to be schismatic.

The pope has already ‘busted’ Burke at least once. The pope might decide to show him, once & for all, how much power a pope has over Catholics, even U.S. cardinals.