Tag Archives: Tagle

I Agree With ‘Cardinal Parolin’ That “Pope Francis'” Reforms, Whether Good Or Bad, Will Prevail.

by Anura Guruge
on May 9, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. News stories from ‘Google News‘.

Basically, what Cardinal Parolin & I are both saying is that it is unlikely that the Next Pope, even if he is NOT a ‘Francis II‘ (e.g., American Burke), will overturn ALL the reforms enacted by Francis. The best that might happen is that he might AGAIN (a la Benedict XVI) relax the barriers to celebrating the Latin Mass. I am sure the other reforms will remain on the books due to the respect that new popes pay to their predecessors. This has to do with the decorum exercised by modern popes. Quickly overturning prior reforms look undignified. And that is the rub.

IF the Next Pope is a traditionalist he is unlikely to have too much time. A non-Francis II will only get enough votes if he is seen as a compromise, caretaker pope — not likely to hang around for much more than 7 to 8 years. While that may sound like a lot, that probably isn’t enough leeway to OVERTURN Francis’ reforms without making Francis look real bad.

IF a Francis II is elected, the whole issue is moot. I have a feeling that Francis will hold another cardinal creating consistory in August or September this year & create 20 to 22 cardinal electors. IF he does that (& Parolin might already know of the pope’s plans) it is GAME OVER. The Next Pope will be Francis II — possibly even Tagle!

So, that is the lay of the land. If the next pope is NOT a Francis II we might see some slack cut on Latin Mass. But, that will be about it. But, as ever, I could be wrong.

Is British ‘Cardinal Arthur Roche’ Inching Towards Becoming Papabile?

by Anura Guruge
on February 24, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

When he was created a cardinal in August 2022 I thought he was (at 71) a tad too young to be papabile. I still think that he is a couple of years too young, BUT for this one possibility — & that is IF Pope Francis resigns. While I do not want him to resign & there are some who are adamant that Francis has too much of an ego & AN AGENDA to entertain resignation, I am reluctant to totally rule it out. While it is no secret that Francis loves being pope, I also think (possibly wrongly) that he is getting increasingly frustrated by having to constantly appear in public looking physically enfeebled. I think that also plays to his ego. He doesn’t want to be remembered as this doddering, wheelchair bound pope.

IF Francis resigns, that changes the age dynamics as to the next pope. Why? Because we would now have had two popes, in succession, that resigned. While, two DOES NOT make a trend, it does leave the door much more open (& amenable) to more future resignations. So, in theory, one doesn’t have to worry about a new young pope ruling for the next 25 years. Instead, one now has the possibility that the next pope MIGHT also opt to resign — after say 15-years — once they are in their early 80s. That is what will change IF Francis resigns — the acceptability of a younger pope WITH the hope that he will not cling onto power until the bitter end decades down the road. While capitulations (i.e., a formal agreement by a papabile to undertake certain obligations (in this case resignation after x years)) are forbidden, I am sure that we are all adult enough to appreciate that ‘informal’ promises are made by those seeking this much sought after office.

Cardinal Arthur Roche, as my 2nd image shows, has been making quite a bit of news of late. While traditionalists, especially the U.S. Catholics, may not like or agree with what he is saying & doing, he definitely appears to be Francis’ new enforcer. That could mean that he could — & should — get the vote from the Francis wing of the cardinal electors. Yes, it is true that they still don’t have the 2/3 majority to shoehorn in the next pope. But, if Roche can get most of the Francis vote he will have some footing to mount a push towards soliciting others to come around.

I also think that the next pope will be a curialist. And Roche has been one for over 10 years now. Plus, he is OLDER than Tagle. So, I am NOT saying that Roche will be the next pope. Far from that. I am just pointing out that IF (& only IF) Francis resigns we should not overlook Roche as a potential papabile. OK? Got that?

Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, A Goody Two-Shoes & Perennial Papabile, Now Accused Of Sexual Misconduct!

by Anura Guruge
on August 18, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

For once, I am slightly skeptical. With all other Catholic clerics, including the ‘acquitted’ George Pell, I had no doubts; they were all guilty as accused & there are tons of others that never got accused or caught.

But, with Marc Ouellet, I, surprisingly, appear to be siding with the pope & Vatican! I have a hunch that this looks like a ‘put of job’ to harm the Vatican, the curia, the pope & obliterate Ouellet’s papabile prospects. By taking down Ouellet, another from the “ol’ guard” bites the dust. This increases the chance of a Francis acolyte becoming the next pope. At this rate, against all odds, baby-faced & still remarkably young (i.e., 65), Luis Antonio Tagle really could be the next pope! Sacré bleu.

I will also confess, that I was RELIEVED that Ouellet had NOT been accused of having his way with young boys. He has not been accused, at least as yet, of committing any overt sexual acts per se. His since, to date, appear to consist of unwelcome groping, pawing, kissing, etc. Not good — & as a father of three daughters, two still quite young, this does NOT make me happy, BUT it is not as bad as rape, oral sex or exposure. Ouellet basically is being accused of being yet another dirty old man!

I am sure events will unfold rapidly over the next few days. Stay tuned. Whatever happens, I am pretty sure that Ouellet as of now is NOT papabile & will never be.