Tag Archives: Cinde Warmington

‘Cinde Warmington’, Candidate For New Hampshire Governor — At ‘Barnstead’, Nov. 6, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on November 7, 2023

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She was formidably IMPRESSIVE.

Formidable‘ (but in the nicest possible way) characterizes her. She will be a formidable candidate. I am not sure WHY anyone would bother to run against her in the Primary. She, in my opinion, will be a WALKOVER in any Primary. I doubt whether we have any other Democratic contenders with her resume, hands-on-experience, recognition, PRESENCE & charm.

I gather than current N.H. Governor, ‘Chris Sununu‘, has already described her as such. That counts. Sununu (like his dad), despite many actions to the contrary, is not a total idiot!

I knew now Senator ‘Maggie Hassan‘ when she was our {splendid} Governor. Cinde reminds me of HER — & to be fair also of ‘Jeanne Shaheen‘. I only met Gov. Shaheen once, but her office helped me twice when she was in D.C. Cinde worked for Jeanne Shaheen’s husband. I am totally convinced, after seeing her last night, that she will be our THIRD OUTSTANDING Female Governor. Yes, I can — & if I have the time WILL — campaign for her. She won me over — & that is NOT easy given that I am crotchety cynical.

Over the last 6 weeks, in my trips to ‘Laconia‘, I had heard snippets of unstinted praise for her. That is why I made a point of going to see her last night. I am glad I did. She motivated I. That is always good.

Well, I will be keeping a CLOSE eye on her.

I have to MAKE SURE that SHE is the NEXT GOVERNOR of New Hampshire.

I owe that to my kids!