Tag Archives: The Pillar

This HOPE That The Cardinal Electors Will Vote LESS Frequently At The ‘2024 Conclave’ Is BEYOND THE PALE.

by Anura Guruge
on March 1, 2024

Click image to access the original at ‘The Pillar‘.

Mark G.‘, a trusted friend and invaluable, near two decade collaborator, send me the link to the above ‘The Pillar‘ article a few minutes ago.

It shook me to the core.

That it will prevent the electors from making knee-jerk reactions is invalid — flawed assumption.

Once in conclave the electors are totally shielded from what folks are saying or agitating outside. That is the whole point of getting them IN CONCLAVE. Get them away from distractions.

2 rounds of balloting a day was introduced in 1621.

4 round a day in 1904.

The optional 1 round on Day 1 in 1986.

We now want to go back to what it was pre-1621.
Beyond STUPID. Regressive. A wet-dream.

As some of you may have worked out from some of my recent posts (e.g., this & that) I am doing work on the ‘2024 conclave’. SMILE.

I have actually come to TWO solid conclusions:

1/ The 2024 conclave, like the last 4, will also be a QUICK, SHORT conclave. It will most likely be done within 3 days — at most 4. It will NOT go to ‘run-off‘. It will not even make it to the first ‘time-out‘ after the 4th day.
WHY: Both camps know that they do NOT have the votes to get one of their hardliners elected. Each side has more than enough votes to continually BLOCK a hardliner. Quite a few of the electors are quite savvy. They know have already WHIPPED the votes. So, it has to be a COMPROMISE candidate that will not get blocked. They are going AGREE beforehand, possibly even ahead of the sede vacante, as to a very SHORTLIST of 4 to 5 candidates. {Laws be damned. We know that the laws were flagrantly violated by the ‘St. Gallen Group‘, per their own admission, in 2005 & 2013.} They will whittle this down when they are all in Rome. There are all not adversaries at each other’s throats. There will be go betweens.

2/ Very good chance that the Next Pope will be OLD, close to 80, if not even slightly older. Nothing that over 80 cardinals are ineligible. Nothing that says only those in conclave can be elected. For that matter nothing that says that the pope elect as to be a cardinal. These electors, in particular, are USED to over 80 popes! Think about it. None of them has served a pope who did NOT live past 80. They have served an over 80 pope for 7 years. Think about.


Is ‘Cardinal Pietro Parolin’ Still Papabile, Or Does ‘Matteo Zuppi’ Have The Edge?

by Anura Guruge
on October 22, 2023

Link to original ‘The Pillar‘ article from October 18, 2023.

I agree with MOST of what is in ‘The Pillar‘ article. I have, here, on this blog, articulated many of the same points, e.g., possibility of being Italian, fractured nature of the College, how the overseas cardinals don’t know each other …

Parolin & Zuppi, both born in 1955, are now approaching that MAGIC ’70-year’ threshold which makes them more papabile — in that they are no longer young studs. So, they both have that going for them.

I am NOT sure how HEALTHY Parolin is. He had surgery for liver cancer in 2013. I was SHOCKED when I saw a recent picture. He looks much older than his 68. He is YOUNGER than I, but look old enough to be my father! Not good. Liver cancer is never good. So, that is an issue.

Plus, he is not the pope’s golden boy he once was. THAT IS GOOD & BAD. But that will split the vote.

Zuppi, on the other hand, looks GOOD & full of life. He is also not a curialist. That could make him quite popular among many. He is an OUTSIDER — NOT a Vatican insider. So, right this minute, my druthers is with Zuppi rather than Parolin.

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