‘American Factory’ (2019) ‘Netflix’ Documentary Which Depicts A Very True Story Is Sobering, Thought-Provoking & Most Of All SCARY!

by Anura Guruge
on February 12, 2023

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Click image to access the ‘IMDb.com’ listing for this documentary that has the feel of a movie.

Watch the YouTube trailer.

When you are watching this documentary you realize, conclusively, why China is such a dominant power when it comes to manufacturing & why China intends to be the most powerful superpower in the Universe.

I have known & worked with non-American Chinese. While they have always been super friendly, helpful etc. you always get the feeling that they are working per a bigger, master plan. There is always a hint of ruthlessness lurking.

This documentary shows a HUGE, unbridgeable gulf between the U.S. & China when it comes to the PEOPLE.

What struck me the most was how UNHEALTHY the Americans looked compared to 95% of the Chinese. Most of the Chinese workers & mid-tier management look super healthy — though quite a few smoked. And then there is their commitment, dedication & drive. Wow. No wonder they have achieved so much. That is what makes this scary. How do you compete with them? Not sure Indians, push-comes-to-shove, are a match.

Very sobering. China has a plan. China has a Master Plan. China has a Strategic Master Plan. Based on this documentary I am not sure how the U.S. can stop them at least in the arena of manufacturing.

This is a DOCUMENTARY though you could watch it as a movie. It is for those that enjoy food for thought. This is not a comedy or light fare. This will shock you!

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