‘HostGator’ Shared Hosting Was Up-and-Down During Most Of Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, 2022.

by Anura Guruge
on November 25, 2022

I would like to think that they were doing some server maintenance or possibly even an upgrade — trying to sneak it in during the holiday hoping that only a few would notice. If that was the case, it would have been nicer & more professional if they had given us a heads up. C’est la vie. It is done now — I hope.

I get these automated messages from ‘WordPress‘ ‘Jetpack‘ whenever they detect a site outage. I got at least 4 of them yesterday, the one shown above the last. Per these messages at least 2 of the outages lasted for over an hour. So, I think, in total, I suffered close to 4 hours of downtime, if not more. Not happy, but not much I can do.

At one point, late in the afternoon, during the 3rd outage I contacted ‘Hostgator’ support via chat. To begin with they were not aware of the downtime. Then they confirmed that it was a server issue at their end. That I knew. I knew it wasn’t MY Website, i.e., this one (you are reading).

I am just basically documenting this. As I said before, not much I can do.

To be fair, Hostgator outages, SO FAR, have been few & far between. I hope it stays that way.

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