Tag Archives: chat

‘HostGator’ Shared Hosting Servers DOWN AGAIN For A 2+ Hour Outage — The 2nd Extended Outage In 16-Days!

by Anura Guruge
on December 11, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Screenshot of my CHAT transcript with HostGator support.

This is becoming concerning. Second, major & lengthy OUTAGE at Hostgator within 16-days. As I documented here, HostGator shared hosting was up-and-down during all day Thanksgiving, i.e., November 24, 2022. It was pretty obvious that they were doing some sort of maintenance using the holiday as a cover.

Then this afternoon this site went down again. WordPress Jetpack informs me whenever it detects a Website outage. They started sending me notifications. I also discovered the outage, to my cost & chagrin, when I went to check the stats.

This site was down for over 2 hours.

The first person I spoke to at HostGator DENIED that it was a server issue. That was bad. It was pretty obvious it was. I quickly terminated that chat. It was a waste of time.

Tried again a few minutes later. As you can see above, the second person, quite quickly & readily admitted it was a server issue. Well, I knew that. Just wanted confirmation.

Not happy. HostGator was, till recently, immaculate. Now … Plus, support is nowhere near as good as it used to be.

‘HostGator’ Shared Hosting Was Up-and-Down During Most Of Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, 2022.

by Anura Guruge
on November 25, 2022

I would like to think that they were doing some server maintenance or possibly even an upgrade — trying to sneak it in during the holiday hoping that only a few would notice. If that was the case, it would have been nicer & more professional if they had given us a heads up. C’est la vie. It is done now — I hope.

I get these automated messages from ‘WordPress‘ ‘Jetpack‘ whenever they detect a site outage. I got at least 4 of them yesterday, the one shown above the last. Per these messages at least 2 of the outages lasted for over an hour. So, I think, in total, I suffered close to 4 hours of downtime, if not more. Not happy, but not much I can do.

At one point, late in the afternoon, during the 3rd outage I contacted ‘Hostgator’ support via chat. To begin with they were not aware of the downtime. Then they confirmed that it was a server issue at their end. That I knew. I knew it wasn’t MY Website, i.e., this one (you are reading).

I am just basically documenting this. As I said before, not much I can do.

To be fair, Hostgator outages, SO FAR, have been few & far between. I hope it stays that way.

‘HostGator’ Web Hosting — Just Absolutely AMAZING Telephone Support Makes All The Difference.

by Anura Guruge
on July 1, 2021

Click image to get to know ‘HostGator‘.

This post migrated over from my old, now archived,
nhlife.wordpress.com, blog.

After more than 20-years I have FINALLY got around to consolidating my Website & blog in one place — under my ‘guruge.com‘ domain. THIS IS IT!

After about a month of research & soul searching I finally opted to go with ‘HostGator‘ shared hosting & WordPress.

guruge.com‘ was at Weebly. I was NOT enamored with the Weebly editor. Clunky.

I tried nearly everything out there. You name it, I must have tried it.

Truth me known, I was with HostGator previously — albeit with their template-based ‘Website Builder‘. That was OK, but was too rigid.

In the end, hosted WordPress (outside of wordpress.com) made most sense for I.

But, what FINALLY & decisively made me opt for HostGator is their support.

I had been impressed with their CHAT support. It is very good. Most of the time it is from India (with a lot of female associates) & they have been OUTSTANDING. WOW.

But, I tried the 24/7 phone support a few times. The phone support tends to be from the U.S. Wow. They just go out of their way to be helpful & they know their stuff.

Yes, I know that ‘BlueHost’ & ‘HostGator’ & a number of others are ALL owned by the same ‘investment’ company. But, I think HostGator support is superior to that available from BlueHost.

PLUS, HostGator claims to give you UNLIMITED disk storage. I like that.

So, that is why I went with HostGator. I can’t say enough good things about them. And their pricing is NOT bad too — & yesterday (i.e., June 11, 2021) I could cash into their 70% off rates (as opposed to the 60% rates). SMILE.