Tag Archives: NATO

The Increasingly Erratic & Enfeebled Pope Francis Runs The Risk Of Becoming “Putin’s Pope”.

by Anura Guruge
on May 4, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ & ‘Wikipedia‘.

Way back, on February 25, 2022, at the start of this sorry invasion of Ukraine by bloody Russia I was so happy & impressed that Pope Francis made the unprecedented move of personally going to lodge his concerns with the Russian Ambassador to the Vatican. Alas, in the intervening two-months, as his health & well-being continues to decline his posture towards Russia has started to waver.

He needs to be CAREFUL. Very careful. We have, alas, already had Hitler’s Pope. Rome, however hard you try to gloss over the facts, did NOT come out well re. its posture & actions during WWII. Now, Francis, who should no better, is walking on thin ice.

NO, NATO is no way is responsible.

To even allude to that is STUPID & ignorant. Unbecoming of a reasonable adult, let alone a Pope.

Yes, Francis is old, possibly flirting with senality. Then there is also the fact that he, as I have repeatedly pointed out, is the ‘Donald Trump’ of popes. To him, it is NOT THE OFFICE, it is all about the ‘cult of personality’. He doesn’t see himself as Pope — and we know he relinquished ALL of the historic titles given to a Pope. He sees himself as this Pop Star — Pope Francis, The Man. Donald Trump in a while cassock. So, yes, he likes to say the darnest things to get publicity. He, like Trump, really doesn’t care.

I am, as you can tell, NOT amused.

Francis is crazy to blame this on NATO.

European leaders should have some harsh words for him.

Yes, he lives in an independent state that is NOT a NATO member.

But he is totally surrounded by Italy, a staunch NATO member. He should just remember that.

All of his powers & bluster are restricted to the Vatican. He is just a man when he steps into Italy. SMILE.

Ukraine (2022) vs Poland (1939): The HUGE Difference — Where Is OUR ‘Churchill’?

by Anura Guruge
on February 24, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

It sure as hell is NOT going to be ‘Biden‘. Biden is old, tired & gutless. He is even worse that ‘Neville Chamberlain‘. It definitely will not be ‘Kamala Harris‘! She, quite literally, does not have the kahunas. ‘Boris Johnson‘ has some of the Winston spunk but he, alas, does not have the standing, following, experience or charisma. ‘Macron’ has already tried BUT he also, unfortunately, doesn’t have the clout. And THIS is what is going to be the difference.

WE, the free world, lacks a CHAMPION.

Don’t start jabbering on about starting a nuclear war. We have had over 50 years to plan for this. Nuclear deterrent & all of that. The trillions & trillions spent on the military & we now claim we don’t have an option? Ah?

To make the claim that Ukraine is NOT a NATO country is lame. Ukraine has been trying to become a NATO country. But, let’s put that aside.

What will we (i.e., NATO) do if Russia makes a move on Poland?

Why can’t we do that same move NOW — preemptively?

So, if Russia encroaches on Poland we will RISK a nuclear confrontation — BUT we will NOT do that for Ukraine? Is that what this is all about.

What happens if Russia attacks us with a cyberwar?

These sanctions are a BLOODY JOKE. The only risk to Putin is he might have a choking fit as he laughs at how impotent Biden is.

This, alas, is not a JOKE. This is serious.

Those that have studied WWII understand the pivotal role that Churchill played. Hitler knew that Churchill was his enemy.

Where is OUR Churchill?

Without a Churchill things will be very BLEAK for US & the World.

Think about it. This is serious stuff.