Tag Archives: nuclear

Nuclear Power Stations Are ROARING BACK In 2023 — & I Am DELIGHTED! Only Way To Go.

by Anura Guruge
on August 31, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘CNBC’ from just YESTERDAY.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google’.

Click to ENLARGE. From this Blog — from last year. Check them out.

I was the CNBC post about China’s push towards nuclear power (top image) & was DELIGHTED.

I have always been a believer & fan of nuclear power. It is reliable, cheap power with some, inevitable, consequences — & I only worry about safely getting rid of the spent fuel rather than risk.

It is really the only way we can truly meet our ever increasing demands for CLEAN energy. We can’t move forward without renewing an ALL OUT push for nuclear power — on a HUGE SCALE. We can’t be BOTH worried about climate change & nuclear power at the same time. There is, as with nearly all things to do with LIFE, a risk. The risk with nuclear continues to get more containable — & manageable.

Living itself is a risk!

Going out on the roads, flying, drinking etc. etc. all have risks. But, most of us still do them.

We can’t dismiss nuclear because of setbacks from MANY, MANY decades ago.

Technology has moved on & we have more expertise.

IF we had given up on jets because of the early accidents we would not have today’s air travel. Think about that. Engineers studied & learnt from the early oversights.

So, I am delighted that we are rethinking nuclear.

Alas, this kind of thinking will never occur in the U.S. because of this inane political divide — the two sides not even able to work together when it comes to climate change.

My Take On Alternate Energy (Part I): Harness The Wind Energy Generated By Speeding Traffic.

by Anura Guruge
on October 29, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Link to article on ‘Shell.com’.

Interstate highways, such as I-80, I-90, I-70, that cut across the U.S. or even the likes of I-81 & I-95. Have YOU ever seen the amount of trucks, often trailer trucks, sometimes even triple trailers, that hurtle along these interstates? You really need to check it out. I was hoping to find a better YouTube video, but, for now, this was the best that I could find — & it is pretty tame. Today there is even more truck traffic on the interstates & they typically are going faster.

The amount of wind generated by this traffic is astounding.

We should capture this energy.

That is what THIS idea is all about — from a schoolboy to beat.

It is pretty obvious. Don’t scorn it. Go find a busy interstate & stand by the side. Feel the wind. You don’t need those ginormous, horrendously expensive tall wind turbines. We need lots of smaller ones on the sides of the interstates. We could start off by using the energy they produce to charge electric vehicles.

There are still 4 major obstacles standing in our way when it comes to greater dependence on alternate energy sources:

1/ There is too much vested interests, e.g., oil companies, working in the background to foil progress.

2/ We are NOT being creative enough; e.g., this idea.

3/ We have too many preconceived ideas as to what alternate energy sources should be without being open to thinking outside the box. {In other words, solar, wind & biomass are NOT the only ways we can skin this cat.}

4/ WAY TOO MANY superficial prejudices, e.g., Pavlovian opposition to nuclear.

More to come in this series. SMILE.

The Timing Of Netflix’s ‘Three Mile Island’ Miniseries Was Unfortunate.

by Anura Guruge
on May 7, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

From ‘Netflix‘.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’. N.B., this is RECENT, topical news.

My post, on this blog, just a month ago. Click to access post.

No question; like so many of their recent efforts, this is a good Netflix documentary. I have no quarrels with it. I think it tells the story as to what happened.

The problem is that ‘Three Mile Island’ accident happened in 1979 — 43 years ago. That, quite literally was THEN, & we are now over four decades on. Just for reference, in 1979 we did NOT have PCs, the Internet, smartphones or Facebook. It was a very different world. I know. I was there. I was 26 years old. I was working for IBM. That, I can assure you, was yesterday’s technology.

Never mind advances in nuclear technology, our computer technology has advanced so much since then that we can have nuclear plants that are considerably safer.

That is my point.

Early jet planes were unsafe. But, we didn’t stop trying to build better jets. Now we have (bar the occasional dud as in the 737 Max) incredibly safe jet planes. Ditto, nuclear plants. Do NOT bring up the unfortunate Fukushima disaster. We don’t get many tsunamis in the U.S.

This is why I am so happy & proud that MY U.K. has started to rethinking its nuclear power future. Way to go.

We need nuclear power plants. To shy away from them is shortsighted.

So, just as Europe has re-embarked on revamping its nuclear power strategy we get this documentary. The timing sucks.

So Glad & So Proud That MY Britain Is Re-Thinking Reliance On Nuclear Power — Way To Go.

by Anura Guruge
on April 6, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ a few minutes ago.

I have always been a believer & fan of nuclear power. It is reliable, cheap power with some, inevitable, consequences — & I only worry about safely getting rid of the spent fuel rather than risk.

Living itself is a risk!

Going out on the roads, flying, drinking etc. etc. all have risks. But, most of us still do them.

We can’t dismiss nuclear because of setbacks from MANY, MANY decades ago.

Technology has moved on & we have more expertise.

IF we had given up on jets because of the early accidents we would not have today’s air travel. Think about that. Engineers studied & learnt from the early oversights.

Plus, in the U.K. we are not prone to earthquakes & tsunamis — unlike Japan where there was the unfortunate Fukushima disaster.

So, I am delighted that we are rethinking nuclear.

Alas, this kind of thinking will never occur in the U.S. because of this inane political divide — the two sides not even able to work together when it comes to climate change.

Ukraine (2022) vs Poland (1939): The HUGE Difference — Where Is OUR ‘Churchill’?

by Anura Guruge
on February 24, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

It sure as hell is NOT going to be ‘Biden‘. Biden is old, tired & gutless. He is even worse that ‘Neville Chamberlain‘. It definitely will not be ‘Kamala Harris‘! She, quite literally, does not have the kahunas. ‘Boris Johnson‘ has some of the Winston spunk but he, alas, does not have the standing, following, experience or charisma. ‘Macron’ has already tried BUT he also, unfortunately, doesn’t have the clout. And THIS is what is going to be the difference.

WE, the free world, lacks a CHAMPION.

Don’t start jabbering on about starting a nuclear war. We have had over 50 years to plan for this. Nuclear deterrent & all of that. The trillions & trillions spent on the military & we now claim we don’t have an option? Ah?

To make the claim that Ukraine is NOT a NATO country is lame. Ukraine has been trying to become a NATO country. But, let’s put that aside.

What will we (i.e., NATO) do if Russia makes a move on Poland?

Why can’t we do that same move NOW — preemptively?

So, if Russia encroaches on Poland we will RISK a nuclear confrontation — BUT we will NOT do that for Ukraine? Is that what this is all about.

What happens if Russia attacks us with a cyberwar?

These sanctions are a BLOODY JOKE. The only risk to Putin is he might have a choking fit as he laughs at how impotent Biden is.

This, alas, is not a JOKE. This is serious.

Those that have studied WWII understand the pivotal role that Churchill played. Hitler knew that Churchill was his enemy.

Where is OUR Churchill?

Without a Churchill things will be very BLEAK for US & the World.

Think about it. This is serious stuff.