Tag Archives: banned

“Lady Chatterley’s Lover” (2022) ‘Netflix’ Movie: Luscious & Exquisitely Shot Nude & Sex Scenes — That Was My Main Takeaway!

by Anura Guruge
on December 4, 2022

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Click image to access ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

Watch the YouTube trailer.
It has some ‘good bits‘ IF you are interested.

Definitely puts hotel pay-for-view softporn to the sword. Many a director of porn movies would be envious of what they were able to pull off. Haven’t seen that much nudity & sex in a movie in many a year. Wow. But, to be honest, it kind of left you cold. Extremely well produced. Near ‘Downton Abbey‘ or ‘The Crown‘ quality — but in the end, I regret to say, there was too much lasciviousness & not enough ‘story’.

Of course I understand their premise & basis for what Netflix was after. Just as with the book, which was incredibly banned when published in 1928, they want to shock us, be controversial & kind of show the impact the book would have had in 1928.

I have, as yet, NOT read the book. I never really saw the point. We all know, just from the title, what the story is going to revolve around. That said, the other night, after watching the first part of the movie I had a quick perusal of an online version of the book. From what I can see it was NOT 100% true to the book. Maybe I will have to read it.

Here is a FREE online version given that the book, published close to 100-years ago, is no longer subject to copyright.

Click image to access free, online version of the book.

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