Tag Archives: sex

The Irony Of CHOCOLATE Advent Calendars.

by Anura Guruge
on December 15, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Wikipedia’ (link).

I am guilty than most when it comes to gifting CHOCOLATE Advent Calendars. This year is the first, in well over two decades, when I did not buy ANY chocolate advent calendars. The chief recipient of my chocolate advent calendars, who would get a FEW (i.e., more than one), so that she would not be limited to just one chocolate per day, is now lactose-intolerant & as such didn’t want chocolates. Some of the other recipients also declined saying that they are watching what they eat. So, I didn’t get any this year. But, we still had 4 other Advent Calendars going in parallel.

Like with so many things to do with religious holidays, Christmas supposedly one, we have lost sight of many of the old beliefs, customs & tradition.

People were expected to fast — & even give up sex — during Advent!

Dairy & sugar products were particularly frowned upon. So, it is ironic that we now have chocolate advent calendars — the antithesis of fasting or restraint.

Funny how the cookie has crumbled so to speak.

If you are wondering the FIRST Chocolate Advent Calendar dates back to 1958.

“Lady Chatterley’s Lover” (2022) ‘Netflix’ Movie: Luscious & Exquisitely Shot Nude & Sex Scenes — That Was My Main Takeaway!

by Anura Guruge
on December 4, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click image to access ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

Watch the YouTube trailer.
It has some ‘good bits‘ IF you are interested.

Definitely puts hotel pay-for-view softporn to the sword. Many a director of porn movies would be envious of what they were able to pull off. Haven’t seen that much nudity & sex in a movie in many a year. Wow. But, to be honest, it kind of left you cold. Extremely well produced. Near ‘Downton Abbey‘ or ‘The Crown‘ quality — but in the end, I regret to say, there was too much lasciviousness & not enough ‘story’.

Of course I understand their premise & basis for what Netflix was after. Just as with the book, which was incredibly banned when published in 1928, they want to shock us, be controversial & kind of show the impact the book would have had in 1928.

I have, as yet, NOT read the book. I never really saw the point. We all know, just from the title, what the story is going to revolve around. That said, the other night, after watching the first part of the movie I had a quick perusal of an online version of the book. From what I can see it was NOT 100% true to the book. Maybe I will have to read it.

Here is a FREE online version given that the book, published close to 100-years ago, is no longer subject to copyright.

Click image to access free, online version of the book.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

I Am, Alas, With Much Regret, Giving Up Hot Dogs, Sausages & Ham (& Not Just For ‘Lent’, But For Good (In Every Sense)).

by Anura Guruge
on September 28, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Eight long years ago I drastically cut back on carbs.

2.5-years ago, I cut back further. I rarely cheated BUT I cut out cheating more or less all together.

Now I am going to forsake processed meats.

I don’t have to.

But, I want to. Precautionary … preventive.

I just had my annual physical … with comprehensive blood work. SMILE. I, luckily, DON’T have to change anything. SMILE. I am good.

But, I am I.

Complacency is not in my genes or jeans.

I like to be ahead of the game.

For the last 30 years, if not more, I have eaten sausages, hot dogs or hams near daily. Most days at multiple times.

I LOVE sausages. I love hot dogs.

I am partial to most things from pigs. I joke that I eat about 2 full adult pigs a month.

But, no more. Giving up on processed meats.

I do have limits though. I will NOT give up sex, cheese, red wine or meat. Everything else is negotiable.

I will let you know IF I change my mind. But, don’t hold your breath.

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