Tag Archives: Marc Ouellet

“Marc Ouellet’s” Conviction By A French Court Obliterates (Alas) His Papabile Prospects.

by Anura Guruge
on April 14, 204

Click to ENLARGE. News stories from ‘Google News‘.

The legality and ‘properness’ of this French verdict means didly.

This is getting publicity and it hurts his image, reputation & credibility.

Two key factors also at play here. TOO CLOSE to the conclave & just as he is turning 80.

It is conceivable that he might have been able to overcome this setback IF it had happened 4 years ago.

France is a MAJOR Catholic country and we cannot have a new pope who has been FINED by a French court.

This is ALSO a major blow to I — though I appreciate that none of you care about that.

Ouellet was one of my TOP papabili picks (just like he had been in 2011).

Now I had to go and redo the WHOLE list.

But, it is good for another of my favorites, U.S. Cardinal Wilton Gregory. He is now at #3! Wow. O’Malley is another favorite.

I do feel bad for Ouellet. He always seemed to be so much in control. Getting involved in this seems like a mistake. I can’t say I understand all the nuances, but it would appear that he was outside of his jurisdiction.

Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, A Goody Two-Shoes & Perennial Papabile, Now Accused Of Sexual Misconduct!

by Anura Guruge
on August 18, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

For once, I am slightly skeptical. With all other Catholic clerics, including the ‘acquitted’ George Pell, I had no doubts; they were all guilty as accused & there are tons of others that never got accused or caught.

But, with Marc Ouellet, I, surprisingly, appear to be siding with the pope & Vatican! I have a hunch that this looks like a ‘put of job’ to harm the Vatican, the curia, the pope & obliterate Ouellet’s papabile prospects. By taking down Ouellet, another from the “ol’ guard” bites the dust. This increases the chance of a Francis acolyte becoming the next pope. At this rate, against all odds, baby-faced & still remarkably young (i.e., 65), Luis Antonio Tagle really could be the next pope! Sacré bleu.

I will also confess, that I was RELIEVED that Ouellet had NOT been accused of having his way with young boys. He has not been accused, at least as yet, of committing any overt sexual acts per se. His since, to date, appear to consist of unwelcome groping, pawing, kissing, etc. Not good — & as a father of three daughters, two still quite young, this does NOT make me happy, BUT it is not as bad as rape, oral sex or exposure. Ouellet basically is being accused of being yet another dirty old man!

I am sure events will unfold rapidly over the next few days. Stay tuned. Whatever happens, I am pretty sure that Ouellet as of now is NOT papabile & will never be.

Indian ‘Cardinal Oswald Gracias’ (77) Could Be The ‘Next Pope’ After ‘Francis’; The ONLY Non-White Papabile.

by Anura Guruge
on May 5, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

Click to ENLARGE. Link to original post.

IF a conclave were to take place in the next 12 months (as could very well happen), India’s esteemed cardinal, ‘Oswald Gracias‘, stands a very good chance of emerging as the Next Pope!


NO, he would NOT be the first non-white pope! There have been non-white popes, but NOT in the last 1,200 years (or so)! So, it would be quite the thing, but we will not be able to claim that he was the first.

Yes, I know that I have been adamant, as you can see from the 2nd image, that the Next Pope (after Francis) will NOT be another exotic. Francis was exotic enough. But, in the case of Gracias I have to make an exception, in the same way I have always made an exception for Canada’s esteemed Marc Ouellet.

In the scheme of things, vis-a-vis the Vatican, Oswald Gracias is not that much of an exotic. He is a fairly well known & seasoned entity — much, much more than Francis ever was prior to his election.

Gracias is not a rabid conservative. Neither is he a raving liberal. He is about as moderate as you can expect a current cardinal to be. He has earned a reputation of being able to weigh both sides of an argument.

He has respect & is of the right age.

Gracias is the ONLY non-white cardinal that stands a chance. The Next Pope will NOT be black. Mark my word. The Next Pope will also NOT be American (as in U.S.) or under 72 years of age.

I have given this some considerable thought. I will no restate my credentials as to my background & expertise when it comes to Next Pope considerations. I don’t pontificate lightly.

My two most recent ‘Next Pope‘ related books
— widely available in print & eBook forms.

My seminal 2011 ‘Next Pope‘ book that
CORRECTLY identified ‘Francis’ as a papabili.

Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet’s Papabili Standings Have To Have Taken A Nosedive After ‘Residential School’ Murders.

by Anura Guruge
on June 29, 2021

Click to access MY post, on this ‘Next Pope‘ Website in March 2021.

Click images to ENLARGE.
Both from ‘Google News‘ & relate to unforgivable crime of murdering, innocent indigenous kids forced to attend Canadian ‘Residential Schools‘.

As far as I can tell Marc Ouellet was not personally responsible for any of these heinous crimes — though he may have known about it way, way before it became public.

If so, why would his papabili rankings take a nosedive?

Very simple. The Church (& in this case represented by the ultra-politic Cardinal Electors) will NOT want a Canadian pope at this juncture.

Having Marc Ouellet as pope will bring this ‘problem’ way too close to the Vatican.

For a start, a Canadian pope will immediately draw more attention to this crime. It will not go away as the Vatican hopes it will. As long as there is a Canadian pope at the Vatican this crime will get talked about.

Furthermore, Ouellet, as a Canadian, will not be able to distance himself from the crimes — like Francis is doing.

The Canadian authorities & people will DEMAND that he, as pope, openly address the issue. He will have no choice but to apologize.

The Church & the other cardinals don’t want this.

Canada is now a problem.

A Canadian pope will exacerbate that problem & continue to draw attention to it.

So, with that the only plausible papabili from the Americas bit the dust!