Tag Archives: Trump

Voting For The Very 1st Time In The U.S. — & I Voted For A Republican!

by Anura Guruge
on January 23, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

A RED LETTER day for I — one I really didn’t think would ever be. Glad I did.

Voting for the first time since 1982! I missed voting. Never missed voting in an election when I lived in the U.K. I am a born political creature.

Well, I finally got U.S. Citizenship (after 38 years) so that I could VOTE. So, I did — the first chance I had. Came back early from Acadia just to vote.

Kind of upset & disappointed that it is a PRETTY MEANINGLESS vote.

Democratic votes don’t count & ‘Trump‘ will win the Republican vote in N.H. & in the U.S.

When I heard that ‘DeSantis’ had dropped out I was very discouraged.

Voted for ‘Nikki Haley‘ as a VOTE AGAINST Trump.

After saying that I will CONFESS that I could live with Nikki Haley as President.

I am USED to Female Heads-of-State.

I would vote for her RATHER than ‘Joe Biden‘ in November! Yes, I would.

I will NOT VOTE for Biden. I like him a LOT. Loved him in 2008, 2012 & 2020. But, NOT so in 2024. He is TOO OLD. He is TOO WEAK. He is NOT PROTECTING the Border.

My life has probably been EVENLY SPLIT between being a Conservative/Republican & a Democrat. I definitely have Republican tendencies. SMILE.

U.S. Age Demographics At The 2024 Presidential Election Will Be DIFFERENT To 2020 — Could THAT Be The Key?

by Anura Guruge
on August 29, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Original graphic from ‘CNBC‘.

In 2020, in some of the BATTLEGROUND STATES, e.g., Georgia, the margin of victory was only around 11,000 voters. That is NOT MUCH.

The demographics in 2024 will be SLIGHTLY different to that of 2020. Yes, SLIGHTLY. But, we are here talking only about SLIGHT margins.

Some of the OLDER Trump voters will not be around.

A whole batch of NEW VOTERS will be on the scene.

Again, I stress that we are NOT talking large numbers, but it doesn’t have to that.

I am sure the campaigns have got this all figured out & analyzed — but I haven’t heard people talking about this as an IMPORTANT factor to REMEMBER. Hence this post.

Just REMEMBER where you heard of this first.

With Trump’s Indictment Sucking Up ALL News Bandwith Dear Boris Johnson’s Resignation Going UNNOTICED!

by Anura Guruge
on June 9, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’.

Click to ENLARGE. From today’s U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (click to access).

Wow. WOw. WOW!

This is HUGE NEWS.

It may not be as BIG as Trump’s indictment (& all the revelations with it) BUT this is STILL HUGE — both for the U.K. & the World.

Boris TOO was an important, influential Word Leader. For Christ’s sake he was the U.K. Prime Minister. THE MAN who made Brexit a reality.

He had trump were in office in parallel. They were both physically big & rotund, had ‘interesting’ blonde hair & publicily womanized. That, however, is as far as any similarities went. Boris is ultra smart & competent. Yes, like Clinton he thought he could get away with some mischief. Like Clinton he got caught (alas, multiple times).

I had visions that he, like OUR SHARED HERO ‘Churchill‘, would come back as PM. Bit difficult now that he quit being an MP. Yes, he can run again at a future election. He most likely will win.

Oh, dear. I feel bad. I have ALWAYS been a BIG Boris believer. I like Boris. I don’t like Trump.

“Biden’s” Classified Document Mess: Two Interrelated Questions — Did He Have To Disclose & Why Aren’t The Documents TRACKED?

by Anura Guruge
on January 15, 2023

From ‘Google News’.

If these documents are so SECRETIVE & SENSITIVE as they are said to be, why are they NOT tracked & monitored?

With computers it would be trivial to keep & MAINTAIN an accurate LOG of what documents were given to whom & whether they were returned.

Come on! This is NOT rocket science.

You wouldn’t have to do it with all documents, ONLY those of a certain level & above. Some of these, both with Biden & ‘Trump‘, are said to be ‘sensitive compartmented information facility’ (SCIF) level documents. Come on. If they are that sensitive why aren’t they more closely TRACKED?

45-years ago I worked for IBM which used to be paranoid about security — industrial espionage (in particular), but also too much government snooping. They had a very hierarchical document security system. The highest level that (quite junior at the time) I had access to was deemed ‘Registered Confidential‘ documents. The ‘Registered’ part designated that the document was indeed registered — there was a log of it & you had to sign it out & sign it in, in presence of a document custodian. So, IBM had a track of who had the document & whether it had been RETURNED.

This was 45-years ago. Basically like a library book check-out/check-in system.

Obviously the U.S. government does NOT have such a system, even for SCIF level documents.

Think about it.

If they did, they would have known that both Trump & Biden still had checked-out documents that they had NOT returned. Come on. This is simple stuff.

Now to my next question.

So, there was NO record that Biden had these 20 (or so) confidential documents.

Can we all agree on that (& ditto for the hundreds that Trump is supposed to have taken with him).

So, what would have happened IF Biden had not disclosed it?

Had them destroyed or sent to the ‘National Archives’ in a plain envelope.

Could they have been traced back to Biden?

Basically, Biden, the ol’ Catholic guy, was being too honest, too much of a gentleman.

Think about it.

Yes, if he got caught he would have to be impeached & maybe even sent to jail. But, what were the chances of that.

IF it was his lawyers who found them he would have been protected by their client-attorney privilege. WOW.

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A Picture That Defines ‘Ignorance’.

by Anura Guruge
on November 11, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Facebook’. Appeared on my timeline.


Moderation was Buddha’s byword. He advocated moderation in everything — the Middle Path. Overeating was one of the indulgences that he often railed against.

So, forget everything else. Do you think the Buddha would eat 9 Donuts in one go. Remember, he was the Buddha, NOT Donald J. Trump.

This is so INSULTING.

Insulting to the Buddha, insulting to Buddhism & insulting to the Buddhist who know something about Buddhism.

I am not even going to harp on about the ignorance of making food offerings to a person who made it extremely clear that he will cease to be — cease to exist — in any form — after his death. I have already done multiple posts on that — quite recently too. See here & here.

This post is about stupid, mindless EXCESS.

What we see in this picture is VANITY. Pride. The need to show-off. Extravagance. A love of food, i.e., gluttony. ALL things that the Buddha was AGAINST.

Ironically, a few minutes earlier I had see this post also on Facebook. This one made me VERY HAPPY (& humble).

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Facebook’. Appeared on my timeline.

The Buddha would have been so happy with that. That is all so much in line with HIS teachings.

This post talks about 100 hungry kids. In a country of 22 million (& yes, they can’t keep it in their pants either), undergoing severe economic hardship, there has to be tens of thousands of kids going HUNGRY.

Don’t make stupid food offerings to an image of the Buddha. Use that money to feed hungry kids. Jesus!

Who Will Come After ‘Rishi Sunak’, Given That ‘Obama’ Begat ‘Trump’?

by Anura Guruge
on October 24, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Obama was the 1st non-white President of the U.S.

Rishi Sunak (b. 1980) will be the 1st non-white Prime Minister of (MY) United Kingdom (U.K.).

Obama was elected (& reelected) by THE PEOPLE (albeit through the Electoral College (though he did win the Popular Vote (both times)) in a general election.

Rishi Sunak was NOT elected by THE PEOPLE of the U.K.!

THE PEOPLE elected the Party, i.e., the Conservatives, when it was being led by a dashing, white man, i.e., (dear) Boris Johnson.

Rishi Sunak was elected Prime Minister by his Party, his fellow Members of Parliament (MPs). That is how it works in the U.K.

The people had NO DIRECT say in the election of THIS Prime Minister.

I had BIG hopes for the U.S. when Obama was elected (which is why I campaigned for him thrice, like a black). Well my hopes were dashed within 4 months of him entering the White House.

The U.K., that to hour long heritage with an Empire that spanned the globe & our GLORIOUS COMMONWEALTH is more multi-cultural & racially integrated, as of now, than the U.S. Different dynamics. We didn’t have a slave issue to contend with per se.

But, we will all be STUPID to think that race does not play a part in U.K. life, U.K. society.

I lived through the 1970s ‘Paki-bashing’ & was fortunate to emerge unscathe.

I, however, & ALAS, left the U.K. in 1983 (ostensibly to return after 2-years). During the 17-years I lived in the U.K. I did NOT experience any blatant, over racism. But, I was lucky.

Italy, just down the road, just elected an ultra right-wing government. France is seeing rampant nationalism. Immigration is an issue across the European continent.

There is NO QUESTION, whatsoever, that Rishi Sunak, who was born in Southampton is 100% British. There can be no questions as to his birth certificate.

But, I have a nagging feeling that him becoming P.M. will NOT sit well with some in the country. I hope I am wrong.

The Horrific ‘Alec Baldwin’ Mishap Had To Have Been Political, Sabotage & A WARNING SHOT At ‘SNL’.

by Anura Guruge
on October 21, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘ a few minutes ago.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google Images‘ when I did a search on ….

I am NOT going to spell this out. IF you don’t get where I am going & where I am coming from, that is perfectly ‘OK’. Just move on. This post is for those that can read between MY lines.

Yes, they have already mentioned that the ‘Prop Boss‘, the person in charge of all the props, was NOT A KNOWN union member & was locally recruited (which would mean in New Mexico rather than what would typically have been California).

I could, of course, & as ever, be wrong. It could prove to have been 100% a tragic accident.

I, however, have this nagging feeling that this was sabotage. A well thought out & executed plot to harm & discredit Alec Baldwin. I think it was political. Revenge for what Alec did in the past.

This will be one heck of a warning to other actors (& possibly actresses) & definitely to the likes of ‘SNL‘.

That is it. I have shared with you what went across my avowedly cynical brain. SMILE.

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