Daily Archives: May 23, 2024

Antidepressants — Some V. DEPRESSING & Concerning News. {Please Share}

by Anura Guruge
on May 23, 2024

This article was featured in this morning’s U.K. “Daily Mail” — which I read, first thing (as I have done for much of my adult life), lying in bed, drinking a cup of coffee. Since I know that ALL of you don’t read it, I wanted to make SURE that you saw this.

NO. I do NOT take antidepressants — but KNOW TOO MANY who do.

From what I have seen & know, there sure seems BASIS for what is being said.

Please share this. Folks need to know about this. This is important.

What WAS The ‘Oldest Apples Tree’ In ‘Washington County’, Maine, Is NO MORE!

by Anura Guruge
on May 23, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From my ‘Bold Coast — In Two Days or Less‘ book.

The tree, as you can see from MY blurb (above), was at the delightful ‘Cobscook Shores‘ ‘Red Point Nature Preserve‘ in ‘Lubec‘, Maine. I was lucky enough, in 2022, to be given a personal tour of the tree my ‘Artie’ — the THEN chief steward of all the ‘Cobscook Shores’ properties.

When I was in Lubec last week, on Friday morning (before breakfast), I set off for a quick 2-mile amble to get the stay started. I didn’t have to do the customary 4-miles because I was going to spend the WHOLE DAY just ambling. One mile from the ‘Eastland Motel‘ where I was staying takes me to the very edge of ‘Red Point‘. It was a very pleasant morning so I opted to extend my walk a bit. I DO LIKE ‘Red Point’.

I ambled in & decided I might as well take a look at the Old Tree. I knew where it was. THERE USED TO BE A SMALL SIGN of an apple tree with an arrow — that pointed you towards where it was. I NOTICED that it was gone. Got me concerned.


This was the weather & storms. Unlike the poor CHIMNEY I don’t think there was any human hanky-panky involved. But, still a shame.

You can see from my pictures that it was mainly hollow. So, no great surprise.

So, now another tree will have to assume the mantle.

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Anura’s Picture Of The Day + 6 Others, May 23, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on May 23, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Anu’s Picture of the Day:

The other 6:
In smaller-size here in gallery, for FULL-SIZE (i.e., to ENLARGE) click on an image. You can then SCROLL through all 6 images ENLARGED.

| All taken with my (January 3, 2023) Google Pixel 7 Pro. | Post processing limited, at most to just adjusting brightness, if & when required. | Attribution will be strictly ENFORCED. |


by Anura Guruge
on May 23, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

This is NOT a joke! Would NOT kid about this. This is serious & kind of scary.

There is NO OTHER explanation — whatsoever. I was seated, on a couch, eating my breakfast (salmon in two forms) with a spoon, when I felt a SHARP PAIN in my palm. I was puzzled. I hadn’t done anything with my hand other than use a spoon. I looked down. I was bleeding! NOT FUNNY.

I am, given all the work I do on popes (& cardinals) familiar with STIGMATA.

BUT, can a heathen, the ULTIMATE nonbeliever get stigmata? I can’t find a proper answer to that. Doesn’t seem right. {Who could have caused it to happen, IF I don’t believe in the ‘person’ usually credited with making it happen?}

Yes, recently I started doing a TON of work on cardinals. Is that what this is about?

I am confused, somewhat upset & unsettled.

Not a big deal. Got the bleeding to stop. Applied a liquid ‘bandaid’ & then a waterproof fabric one on top. I can’t see any new bleeding.

IF you can shed more light on this, please do let me know. Thanks.